6th Jan, 2012 --- SBK Closed due to Annual Picnic, DU denied access
13th Jan, 2012 --- Almost all initial / key members away from Dhaka or very busy ... But the Teams have started to self-roll & sustain .... :-).... !!!!
--- Today we discussed focusing on 3 topics. Somen discussed on Phylogenetic Networking, Santonu on CpG island and Robiul on DNA-walk model. Todays meeting was very informative.
Friday, the 27th Jan, 2012 at the SBK
About 10 persons gathered in the session ... (Arafat / Labony, Pls correct my memory issues ... Pls write some more briefs here ....What did we discuss ...?)
Saturday, the 28th Jan, 2012 at the KAL Theater, BMB Dept, DU
Today we had our symbolic starting session of the Bio-Bio-1 Bioinformatics Study Circle Session at the
Professor Kamaluddin Ahmed (the founder of the Biochemistry Dept in 1957, later renamed BMB in 2001,
Dept of Bio-Chemistry and Molecular Biology) Lecture Theater. It was magical and indeed an honor for the whole Bio-Bio-1 TEAM !!
Prof. Zeba kindly inaugurated this informal but memorable event with her kind introduction... (who knows in the coming days may be all of us will feel proud and glorified globally bcz we gathered like this regularly and helping each other with the knowledge of Life...;-)... Zeba Apa is a great Bio-Bio-1 sponsor and wisdom contributing member .. She has been graciously hosting the tea & biscuits for ALL the participants (almost 20 in our very first day...;-)...pls correct me .. if I'm wrong here...
Zaman introduced Bio-Bio-1 Team, how and why it all started.. and where are we now.. etc..etc... (since it was mostly informal impromptu speech .... so writing more details may distort the actual lines here ... :-(.... in fact .. I'm being lazy also in typing that here ...;-)...
Saddam shared his personal passion about Biology since childhood and his Bioinformatics interest since 2001... (in fact, he is the most senior-Bioinformatics-passionate-member in our founding core Bio-Bio-1 TEAM ...;-)... He also described our ongoing Bio-Bio-1 Study Program with the participants... More here.. http://bio-bio-1.wikispaces.com/Bio-Bio-1+Study+Program+II
Labony started with her Bioinformatics intro PPT slides. Although the young Faiyaz could not derive much interest initially, but it was very lucid and has been getting richer since her first lecture.
Everybody also introduced each other in the middle of the session ... (bcz Zaman forgot to start with his own introduction ...:-(...;-)...
Bio-Bio-1's symbolic start in this very day in KAL might be a great way to celebrate the Saraswati Puja Festival (the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom) ..:-)..
Friday, the 3rd Feb, 2012 at the SBK
After the Saraswati Puja magic @ KAL, BMB, DU, this evening was also magical ... Only 4 of us (Arafat, Nion, Saddam, Zaman) gathered :-(...
Saddam was passionate and punctual as ever ... But only 2 of his PPDs "Python Programming Disciples" showed up ... ;-)...! The Great Arafat and the Brave Nion !!!..;-).. But the "Adda" with Chola-Muri was also quite entertaining and enlightening ... :-)... I thoroughly enjoyed Arafat's eloquent description of the several theories on the Evolution of Life on Earth... His Bangla translated word "জৈব ঝোল" (Bio-Soup) sounded very attractive ... (Although both Saddam and I initially misheard it as "জৈবজ হোল"...;-)...
Saddam explained his great PPT slides on the DNA Base-Stacking Energy & Propeller Twist Calculation design to both Arafat and Nion, so that they can start the Python coding based on that...
Saturday, the 4th Feb, 2012 at the KAL Theater, BMB Dept, DU
Surprise ! Surprise !!
For the last few years, it was mostly the Bio-Bio-1 founding core Team Members usually gathered on time (now-a-days @ 5 PM) and used to wait for the other participants to come ...
But today is a glorious exception ....!! After waiting almost 10-15 mins ... Sajib Sir called Zaman over mobile phone ... while Zaman was rushing to the KAL Theater room from Prof. Zeba's Lab... And there were more than 25 participants waiting for the Bio-Bio-1 session .... !!!
Zaman was exalted and started expressing his excitements ... He shared his meeting minutes with the BMB, DU Chairman where he told that the Bioinformatics passionate BMB / DU students were Bio-Bio-1's main attractions and the Teachers would be extra Bonus .... :-)... A Great new Bonus was the presence of Dr. A.H.M. Nurun Nabi Sir (Associate Professor, BMB, DU) besides the "usual suspects" Sajib Sir and Prof. Zeba Madam ...;-)...
Zaman introduced the Bio-Bio-1 Team, how we all can work together...the modus operandi etc .. etc...
Everybody also introduced each other while starting the session today, after Zaman introduced quite a bit about himself ...
Saddam introduced himself briefly this time.. :-(... He also talked about our ongoing Bio-Bio-1 Study Program with the participants... More here.. http://bio-bio-1.wikispaces.com/Bio-Bio-1+Study+Program+II
Saddam started with the Great Python Tutorial... Everybody seemed to enjoy the session quite well... Zaman took some time in the middle and shared his usual 9-components (5-Bio, 4-Informatics) feedback loop modeling diagram (taken from the Modeling & Bioinformatics Book, Chapter - 4) with the participants. He also shared the Radial Diagram of Systems Biology of the three major Sciences interactions : 1. Life Sciences (i.e. Biological Sciences), 2. Systems Sciences, 3. Information Sciences
Although I made a headcount of about 35 in our today's session ... but signature wise it came about 26 or so ... in fact now I remember I also didn't sign ... :-(...
Arafat / Saddam, .pls correct me .. if I'm wrong here... Pls also add more... if you want..
13th Jan, 2012 --- Almost all initial / key members away from Dhaka or very busy ... But the Teams have started to self-roll & sustain .... :-).... !!!!
--- Today we discussed focusing on 3 topics. Somen discussed on Phylogenetic Networking, Santonu on CpG island and Robiul on DNA-walk model. Todays meeting was very informative.
Friday, the 27th Jan, 2012 at the SBK
About 10 persons gathered in the session ... (Arafat / Labony, Pls correct my memory issues ... Pls write some more briefs here ....What did we discuss ...?)
Saturday, the 28th Jan, 2012 at the KAL Theater, BMB Dept, DU
Today we had our symbolic starting session of the Bio-Bio-1 Bioinformatics Study Circle Session at the
Professor Kamaluddin Ahmed (the founder of the Biochemistry Dept in 1957, later renamed BMB in 2001,
Dept of Bio-Chemistry and Molecular Biology) Lecture Theater. It was magical and indeed an honor for the whole Bio-Bio-1 TEAM !!
Prof. Zeba kindly inaugurated this informal but memorable event with her kind introduction... (who knows in the coming days may be all of us will feel proud and glorified globally bcz we gathered like this regularly and helping each other with the knowledge of Life...;-)... Zeba Apa is a great Bio-Bio-1 sponsor and wisdom contributing member .. She has been graciously hosting the tea & biscuits for ALL the participants (almost 20 in our very first day...;-)...pls correct me .. if I'm wrong here...
Zaman introduced Bio-Bio-1 Team, how and why it all started.. and where are we now.. etc..etc... (since it was mostly informal impromptu speech .... so writing more details may distort the actual lines here ... :-(.... in fact .. I'm being lazy also in typing that here ...;-)...
Saddam shared his personal passion about Biology since childhood and his Bioinformatics interest since 2001... (in fact, he is the most senior-Bioinformatics-passionate-member in our founding core Bio-Bio-1 TEAM ...;-)... He also described our ongoing Bio-Bio-1 Study Program with the participants... More here.. http://bio-bio-1.wikispaces.com/Bio-Bio-1+Study+Program+II
Labony started with her Bioinformatics intro PPT slides. Although the young Faiyaz could not derive much interest initially, but it was very lucid and has been getting richer since her first lecture.
Everybody also introduced each other in the middle of the session ... (bcz Zaman forgot to start with his own introduction ...:-(...;-)...
Bio-Bio-1's symbolic start in this very day in KAL might be a great way to celebrate the Saraswati Puja Festival (the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom) ..:-)..
Friday, the 3rd Feb, 2012 at the SBK
After the Saraswati Puja magic @ KAL, BMB, DU, this evening was also magical ... Only 4 of us (Arafat, Nion, Saddam, Zaman) gathered :-(...
Saddam was passionate and punctual as ever ... But only 2 of his PPDs "Python Programming Disciples" showed up ... ;-)...! The Great Arafat and the Brave Nion !!!..;-).. But the "Adda" with Chola-Muri was also quite entertaining and enlightening ... :-)... I thoroughly enjoyed Arafat's eloquent description of the several theories on the Evolution of Life on Earth... His Bangla translated word "জৈব ঝোল" (Bio-Soup) sounded very attractive ... (Although both Saddam and I initially misheard it as "জৈবজ হোল"...;-)...
Saddam explained his great PPT slides on the DNA Base-Stacking Energy & Propeller Twist Calculation design to both Arafat and Nion, so that they can start the Python coding based on that...
Saturday, the 4th Feb, 2012 at the KAL Theater, BMB Dept, DU
Surprise ! Surprise !!
For the last few years, it was mostly the Bio-Bio-1 founding core Team Members usually gathered on time (now-a-days @ 5 PM) and used to wait for the other participants to come ...
But today is a glorious exception ....!! After waiting almost 10-15 mins ... Sajib Sir called Zaman over mobile phone ... while Zaman was rushing to the KAL Theater room from Prof. Zeba's Lab... And there were more than 25 participants waiting for the Bio-Bio-1 session .... !!!
Zaman was exalted and started expressing his excitements ... He shared his meeting minutes with the BMB, DU Chairman where he told that the Bioinformatics passionate BMB / DU students were Bio-Bio-1's main attractions and the Teachers would be extra Bonus .... :-)... A Great new Bonus was the presence of Dr. A.H.M. Nurun Nabi Sir (Associate Professor, BMB, DU) besides the "usual suspects" Sajib Sir and Prof. Zeba Madam ...;-)...
Zaman introduced the Bio-Bio-1 Team, how we all can work together...the modus operandi etc .. etc...
Everybody also introduced each other while starting the session today, after Zaman introduced quite a bit about himself ...
Saddam introduced himself briefly this time.. :-(... He also talked about our ongoing Bio-Bio-1 Study Program with the participants... More here.. http://bio-bio-1.wikispaces.com/Bio-Bio-1+Study+Program+II
Saddam started with the Great Python Tutorial... Everybody seemed to enjoy the session quite well... Zaman took some time in the middle and shared his usual 9-components (5-Bio, 4-Informatics) feedback loop modeling diagram (taken from the Modeling & Bioinformatics Book, Chapter - 4) with the participants. He also shared the Radial Diagram of Systems Biology of the three major Sciences interactions : 1. Life Sciences (i.e. Biological Sciences), 2. Systems Sciences, 3. Information Sciences
Although I made a headcount of about 35 in our today's session ... but signature wise it came about 26 or so ... in fact now I remember I also didn't sign ... :-(...
Arafat / Saddam, .pls correct me .. if I'm wrong here... Pls also add more... if you want..
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